The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Thursday, September 16, 2010


hello yesterday i said  would fill you in on our class trip last yera to camp tockwogh, i reminded myself to do this because our class trip is coming up again. im not going to say where we're going for fear that some random person will stalk me there, but i will fill you in in the deets when i get back. anyway, back to tockwogh.

camp tockwogh is a sleep away camp. it is located across from a military weapons testing center, with a large lake that seperates it. if you go within 100 meters of it they will instantly shoot you with a machine gun. this was scary because they took us out on the lake on motor boats, one of which got stranded and had to be towed to the shore. there was also an oil slick the showed very obviously in the part of the lake people were swimming in. all throughout the night and day we heard loud things that shook the whole area and sounded a lt like thunder. we were told they were testing bombs. the scariest time they tested a bomb was when we were hiking and they tested the loudest most powerful bomb, which made me deaf for a few seconds after it happened, and shook the groud. i was a hugging a tree for support.

camp tockwogh also had undrinkable beverages. the food was ok suprisingly, but the drinks were horrible. the water has extra iron in it, and therefore tasted like blood. the milk was expired (trust me youi know milk has expired when you pore skim milk into breakfast cereal, and it looks like heavy cream.) and the only other drinks were watered down gatorade. the tap water had the least iron in it so thats what everone was drinking, exept in the morning when me and my friend found a boiled water machine and made tea. the boiled water was the only water that didnt taste like blood at all.

the other issues were the temerature (in the 80's with no A/C), the crickets which didnt affect my homeroom cuz our room wasnt in the basement, but a ffacted another homeroom to the point where you couldnt sleep in the bottom bunk bed and people were sharing twin beds, which trust me is a tight squeeze. this blog entry was not meant to diss ockwogh in any way shape or form, but merely provide you with the details. i feel like  only listed bad theings so here are the good things that happened:
our homeroom became REALLY close

i know this list is shorter and the bad things seemed to rul wout teh good, but i wouldnt have traded those three days for the world. they were such an exoerience. i highly reccomned going but if you do bring A LOT of bottled water, and dont forget to pack your deoderant

1 comment:

  1. ahhh tockwagh, such memories........l had forgotten about the gatorade
