The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Sunday, October 31, 2010


let me start off by saying HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! and yes i know i havent updated in almost a whole month, but ive been busy! so this year i was a potato sack with som of my friends. actually at school i was a perse girl (the school we did the exchange program with) but since they left yesterday i couldnt be one for  trick or treating so i was a potato sack. we made them earlier today and just managed to finish them in time, butg mine and mys econd friends were falling appart by the end of the night. we really  didnt get that much candy even though we did twice wat wwwe normally do. we also stopped at these people who are famous for giving out jumbo sized candy bars, but thye only had minies. some other people gave out popcorn which i ate while we were walking because i wouldnt fit into my candy bag. anyway im going to stop boring u about the candy i bought and tell u about some of the people we came across. so while we were walking in the drive way of one house this HUGE group of kids that looked like they were five  were walknig back, they said hi so we said hi back and then they started singing shots. then they started acting really obnoxious and then they left that house so we followed behind them. we soon realized that there were no adults with this huge group of kids and that when we saw their faces they werent five but more like 7 - 10. anyway. we could here them singing shots from all the way down the block so we ran after them and strted singing milkshakes. then we saw another large group of shirt kids that we thought were the same group but they were actually five so it was a little awkward when we started singing and they all just stared at us. then they told us to be quiet and all hid so we just walked away and then the first obnoxious group of kids came back and they stopped my sister and tried to hug her (she was snookie) so then we had a massive singing battle to the point where when we rang some peopels door bell they said they had been able to here us from a mile away. then we kinda ended up following them and then started doing really weird gross and obnoxious things that i will not mention. they also said some really nasty stuff. we finally ditched them and ran to a different part of the neighborhood and never saw them again. so thats how my halloween was


  1. hahahaha. wow. where were you? which neighborhood.

  2. i live in glaadwyne so we just went all the way down club house road (where i live)
