The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Sunday, October 10, 2010

english exchange

so as many of you know im doing an english/american exchange program this year, and im really excitedd!!! i think it will be cool for both me and the girl who we will call "harriet". the one thing though is, its gonig to be sooo boring for her and me when i go to england at school, because chances are we wouldnt learn the same stuff so there would be no way to comment on whats going on, and you arent beingg tested or given the homwork teh host gets, so basiucally going to school will be pointkess. i mean, who wants to listen to a teacher drone on about some random thing that you dont care about and arent being graded on, so what will harriet/i do during school? taking notes would be nerdy, i guess i would draw or read or zone in and out or work on a rubix cube. idk. ill figure it out.


  1. Hahahahahaha. should journal your experiences and then post it on this blog when you come back.

  2. i should... thats a good idea... hmmm....
