The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Colds Suck

The reason I haven't posted in like forever is because I've been sick. I had a fever which lasted two days, which has now become a cold. A very bad cold. My voice sounds like that of adolescent boys, whom my Chorus teacher refers to as "Crackers". 
But I decided to take advantage of this time and have been watching Glee for the past week. I finished season one and decided to re-watch season two. Unfortunately only the first half of season two has been released so now i have to wait :(
Also on a sour note i have yet another swim meet today. And i am swimming fly -- TWICE. I think i may die. 
Also I replaced Aliki's Top Tens with Aliki's Top 40 so check that out or give suggestions. 
Okay Bye.


  1. I wonder if you are suffering from the same malady Jane brought back from the UK (which didn't affect her badly), which has crippled Caroline? She's been a MESS for over a week. Hope you feel better.

  2. Oh -- good luck on the meet. Fly? Twice? Oh my. I'd.....die.

  3. Hmm maybe.. but anyway i hope she feels better too. and fly was REALLY hard.
