The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Thursday, August 12, 2010

dinner for shmucks: after

so... first off if the movie is rated pg-13. it was  rated that for a reason, most of the time pg-13 movies are appropriate for 10 year olds. not this one. just dont see it if your under 13. second off it was officially the craziest most random movie i have ever seen, it was crazier than its a mad (6x) world. it was hilarious. but it had a sad scene in the middle and the thing i liked about it was -- okay wait lemme explain something to you, one of the chracters takes dead mice and stuffs them and makes them almost dolls and he did stuff like the mousalisa (monalisa--get it??) so the other character (we'll call him bob cuz i cant remeber his name) says something mean about mouse man and mouse man hears and gets all upset and he goes to his house and takes the mouse doll he made of bob amd puts it in a bin and puts his supplies in a bin and generally this is the part when the person throws away everything they've ever made, especially their favorite peice, (which is stupid and extremely depressing and cliche) what i liked a bout this is, he turns to his favorite peice, and then realizes its not worth throwing away his hobby. (there's a happy ending and bob and mouse man stay friends after the litle incident) so ya, thts my reveiw

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm....aliki do you know what 'shmuck' means in yiddish? because i dont think you want to know
