The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

honors math :(

as some of you may know i qualified to take the honors math exam to see if i could get into it this year. well, i had to get at least an 85% on it, but what i heard from my trusted sources, is that only one peron in the whole honors' class got higher than an 85%, so that scared me a lot. i ended up with a 73%, which was much better than i had expected. so i am not in honors math. dspite the fact that i didnt get in, some good came out of it. 1. the head of tbs math department REALLy likes me (its never bad when a teacher likes you). 2. i kind of know what to expect next time. 3. the head of tbs math departmenet is going to tell my future math teacher that im not a stupid girl who only cares about her boyfriend (the majority of the non-honors class) therefore most likely making the teacher like me more (and also according to the head math dept. person, that will help my future teacher "encourage" me) normally the fact that im not in honors doesnt bother me, afterall many of my friends aren't and that means, since majority of the class doesnt understand a thing the teacher said, i get look all smart and stuff. but there is this one supstitute, who HATES standard math. to the honors class she's super nice (or so i've heard) and they all love her, but she treats us horribly and looks at us as if we're kangaroos or something of that nature. whenever we answer a question, even if we get it right, she always tells us we're wrong and does the problem on the board, when we say "thats what we said" she says "no it isnt, stop trying to act smart" or something along those lines. she is one of the main reasons i dislike standard math, the other reason is that i have this one friend that i havent had a class with since 3rd grade because she's in honors math. i have to say though, even thoufg it was easier to get into honors in 5th grade, im glad i didnt, becasue some of the girls that did became very mean and proud (as in one of the 7 deadly sins) i mean its great that you got into honors, beleive me its super hard, but you dont have to run around telling EVERYONE that and then act like your better than us standard math people. i remeber one time i was in a resource and one of my friends was doing surface area, and she asked me which side was the base, i said either side could be counted as the base but it was easier to say the base was the more square one. then this girl, who was in honors math, comes up and says "no only that side is the base your wrong" and i said "i'll show you that it would work if we called that side the base" and she was like "IT WONT WORK!!!!!!!!!" and so i said "ok ok jeez..." then the resource ended but i did check after and it did work so i was right. the one thing that puzzles me though, is that there is only honors math, why not honors soc. stud. or honors english??? i know in high school there is an honors science class, but the teacher told me ussually only people in honors math are accepted into honors science, which made me VERY angry (in my mind i puched him), so ya... those are just my thoughts on honors math. so ya...
ps i feel like i always end my posts by saying "so ya..." so today i will ennd by saying bye.


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