The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Monday, August 2, 2010


so tonight im gonna talk about....
TOUPEES!!!!!!! (you can clap now)
(ok u can stop)
so for those of you who dont know what toupees are they are man wigs. the reason i am talking about them is that im bored and have nothing else to talk about. so ya, funny story about toupees: i was taking an improv class and we were doing a game called expert, when you are given a random topic and you pretend ur an expert about it and you give a little speech. so every one went and then teacher said we could put random topics in the hat and he would do a speech about it. so i said "toupees" and i told all my friends, then he chose and started talking -- and he had chosen toupees, at the end everyone had to guess what he was talking about and only my friends and i knew. it was funny, sry that was a waste of your time, whatev...

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