The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Final Exam Week

Hey there,
So seeing as finals are all this week I figured I’d talk about them. In my opinion, people freak out over them and make them a bigger deal than they really are. First of all, they are meant to sway your grade. The most damage they can do is lower your grade from a B to a B- . So really, that isn’t that bad. I also feel like people freak out and cram, when in reality the best thing you can do is NOT FREAK OUT. Just study for them like you would a normal test, the only real difference is that there is more material. I also wish people wouldn't tell you that you’re going to fail if you’re not locked in your room studying a week before them. Like really, you’re that much of a spaz? Take a chill pill. For real.
This year we a have one exam per day, which may sound less stressful, but in reality it’s just making me more nervous. In previous years we’ve had two exams per day, which hasn’t been that bad. I’ve always had the perfect amount of study time, and because the exams were more condensed I had less time to get nervous, unfortunately, this year I will have too much study time, and more  than enough to freak out.
Whenever I study for exams I eat kettle corn and wickles (spicy pickles). Not together obviously, but that’s what I snack on.
This year my exam schedule goes like this:
Tuesday: Social Studies Exam 9:00-10:30
Wednesday: Math Exam 9:00-11:00
Thursday: French Exam 9:00-10:30
Friday: English Exam 9:00-10:30
Monday: Science Exam 9:00-10:30, Latin Exam 1:00-3:00
Our social studies exam is on abolition and women’s rights, and every time I try to study I get really depressed because I have to read Frederick Douglass, and all this horrible stuff about slavery and I get really sad, and I have a hard time concentrating. I’m glad it’s my first exam so I can get it over with.
My Math exam is on Algebra I. I get everything except I'm a little unstable on the stuff we learned like a day before exam review so I have to work on that.
I'm really good at French (not to brag or anything but it’s definitely my easiest subject), so I feel confident about the exam.
My English exam is on Romeo and Juliet (kill me now), and The Odyssey. It’s not that bad since there’s no grammar involve, but I absolutely HATE Romeo and Juliet so I’m not exactly looking forward to revisiting it.
My last day of exams will definitely be my hardest. First off Science is my hardest subject, and my teacher is half psycho-path. Luckily that exam will be all multiple choice and fill in the blanks which I’m really good at.
My last exam will be Latin. Where do I begin? Latin is tied with Science as my hardest subject. I’m good at it, but it confuses me. I don’t really understand it, but I do. I don’t know where I stand with it. Luckily my teacher is a really easy grader so I think I'm in good shape, I’m just…nervous. I don’t want to blow it on my last exam.
I just can’t wait until this week is over, it’ll be like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders.
Seven days.
That’s it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

random stuff


I just wanted to say, that if you didn't already know, the school year is almost over. This makes me very happy. Like you have no idea. Just this last week, and ERBs and then exam review, and then exams, and then exam return day, and then graduation and then freedom. Freedom. Actually England. But that’s still pretty close to freedom. Anyway the point is there will be no more STRESS. Yesterday I was the most stressed I’ve been all year. It was kind of pointless now that the worst is over.


Anyway a few guys from THS visited TBS for a little while today. It was actually pretty funny. Our chorus teacher told them that she calls boys their age “crackers”.

You can imagine the reaction from us.

We get to see their whole grade on Friday because we are going to an amusement park with them. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain. Hard. Joy. Looks like I’ll be wasting money on pointless games and fattening foods.

Week report time: Semi formal was fun, we won music in the parks, yoga on the steps was painful but I won the tank top design contest so it was all good.

You know what really bugs me?

People who get obsessed with something and wont stfu about it. It also bothers me when people tell me to lower my kilt. And when people are nosy. Or annoying.

I told my science class about my blog is carbon neutral the other day. I kind of did a bad job of explaining it. I think people thought I was really weird for knowing about it.

I have a really bad headache.

Yesterday I made a butter cake for my French class. I hated it. Everyone else loved it. It made me want to throw up there was so much butter in it. And having post-nasal drip doesn’t help that.

I suck at basketball.



Saturday, May 7, 2011

my blog is carbon neutral

hello i just wanted to say that as of today my blog is carbon neutral!
\ local shopping offers and coupons with
 YAY! So, um, i know i copied Rachel on this but hey, wanna help the envioronment too!
So for the rest of this post i will tell you about THS' production of "James and the Giant Peach".
It was really short. But it wasn't that bad. It was actually pretty good. And i kind of met someone there. Actually I already knew who he was (cuz EVERYONE talks about him) but i actually was introduced to him last night. Um, other than that the play was pretty normal. Oh I almost forgot, the character Ladybug DROVE ME CRAZY SHE WAS SO ANNOYING!!!! I know that the girl was supposed to act that way but it was driving me nuts! Other than that it was good. So tomorow is Mother's Day so I probably won't post so um yea

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Lot of Random Stuff that I Feel Should Be Addressed

Here are a few random facts i thought I might tell you:
  • THS (our bro school) is having their play tomorrow. It is James and the Giant Peach (losers...).
  • Happy Cinco de Mayo!! For those of you who don't know what Cinco de Mayo is, then Google it because I don't feel like explaining it.
  • I am learning to play Come Home by OneRepublic on the piano. After a year of learning this one long classical peice, I am now doing some modern music that I actually like.
  • I climed a rusty ladder today.
  • Semi-Formal is on the 13th.
  • Music in the Parks is on the 14th.
  • Yoga on the Steps is on the 15th.
  • Talk about a busy weekend...
  • On the 20th we are going with THS to a certain amusement park that shall not be named here for privacy's sake.
  • Later that evening there is TSS Dance.
  • This could end up  being very bad. Very very bad.
  • School is almost over!
  • THS is Gryffindor b/c they have the same colors. Despite the fact that Gryffindors are supposed to be chivalrous, and THS boys are as a majority not, I believe they have potential (maybe...).
  • AIS is Hufflepuff b/c they have the same colors and they are friends with everyone. (Oh, and they are also particularly good finders!)
  • TSS is slytherin b/c of their colors. To be honest, personality wise they should really be Hufflepuff and AIS should be Slytherin...
  • TBS is Ravenclaw b/c of the colors, and we are total nerds.
  • I am obsessed with Starbucks
  • Mrs. S has officially gone insane. Not like she was sane before, but now it is official (in my book at least).
  • I have run out of things to say

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello, Girls

So as most of you  know i am in chorus, and today we sang with the Haverford Celebrantes. let me just say it was something i would have enjoyed missing. To start off no one, not even the boys, knew we were singing together today. We came to chorus and Mrs. S was like, "The boys are here!" and everyone was like  "Say whaaaaaat??" We sang one song together with them, and then we sang two songs of our own and they sang three. Theirs were great, even though they barely have any people, they are all phenomonal compared to our larger, but still small chorus. We then sang our two songs. Let me just say that we barely knew either of them. The first one, entitles "A Joyful Gloria" wasnt that bad. We never learned the ending so we juyst skipped to the last page and did the finale. Then came the worst song known to man. "Hello, Girls". Let me just say that this is not the type of song we should be singing around boys. For those of you that dont know the lyrics this is how it goes:

Hello, Girls
Listen to my voice
Don't you ever marry no
Good for nothing boys
If you do your doom shall be
Hoecake hominy and sasafrass tea
fa la la (etc..)
Young boys walking down the street
Yong girls think they look might sweet
Hands in their pockets
Not a dime do the find
Oh how tickled,
Poor girls mine
fa la la (etc..)
When a young man
Falls in love
First its honey
And then turtle dove
After he's married
No such thing,
"Get up get and my breakfast,
You good for nothing thing!"
fa la la (etc..)

As if the lyrics werent bad enough we barely knew the notes either so it ended up sounding like a train wreck and there were parts when no one was even singing and Ms. H, our accompanist was. just playing. After the singing we were given cookies and told to "socialize". Many people knew eachother so they were talking, but about three of us knew no one and we were stuck looking like losers. Also, there was this one 6th grade boy, surrounded by 6th grade girls who were yelling at him saying, "Why havent you sked her out?!" "You should ask her out!" "Why havent you?!" To which he replied, "I dont like her that much..." I was like 6th graders are psychos...
so that was the highlight of my day today