The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


as my faithful blog readers will know i posted earlier about this issue, thne my friend posted her side of the argument. if you havent already seen it heres the link:
i will provide more arguments and stuff.
my argument was "Contrary to popular belief raccoons actually have more in common with pirates than with ninjas, though they resemble ninjas. Since they have the best traits of pirates (the plundering skills and get rich quick schemes) and ninjas (stealth and a black mask) they are elite. What are cats the symbol of? OLD LADIES" her aargument against this was 'My counter argument to this is quite simply that raccoons don't resemble pirates in any way. Sure they rip open trash bags on occasion, but the main difference is that pirates steal treasure and racoons steal trash. This not only means that racoons have no class, but it also means that they don't resemble pirates as far as I can tell." my counter counter argument is this: one mans trash is another mans treasure. Done. another counter argument was that the ancient egyptians prized cats. now let me ask you this: are they still around? NO. because the romans (whose reign was longer and greater than the egyptians) considered raccoons to be sacred instead of cats.

my next argument was as follows "Raccoons also help planet earth, and your wallet. Since raccoons eat your trash they are keeping these foods from being dumped in a land fill where they will rot and cause global warming. They also help your wallet because then you don’t have to pay the trash men to pick up your trash because you wouldn’t have any. What do cats do for the environment? Fart. 50% of the global warming is from cat farts (I think). Plus they will ADD to your trash pile with the litter box stuff, empty cat food bags, etc. Plus all that stuff costs $$ which you want to spend less of" her counter argument was "First off, garbage men are paid by tax dollars, not on an idividual basis, so don't fool yourself by thinking raccoons save you money. Actually, you lose money, since raccoons have to rip open the trash bags to get to the food. In addition, trash gets all over your lawn and who is responsible for cleaning it up? That's right, you... As for the enviroment, most food waste is biodegradable. If you don't know what that means, look it up in the dictionary. It's not the food itself that causes harm in landfills and if you're under the illusion that it is, I've got news for you, because the stuff that ends up in landfills are things that can neither be recycled or composted which includes: Chip Bags, Plastic Wrap, Used tin foil, Meat Packaging, Tissues.
You don't see raccoons stuffing their faces with chip bags, do you? So in short, they do virtually nothing for the enviroment either." my counter counter arguments are as follows:
- ok true... i made up the thing about cat farts (but i do know that cow farts help cause global warming and really... whats the difference?)
- if we had more raccoons we wouldnt have as much trash so less of our tax mney would be used to pay trash men
- cats still cost more money than raccoons
- if we domesticated raccoons we wouldnt have the trash all over the lawn problem because they would live inside and you could train them
- food may be biodegradable but it still takes a while and since poop (which is produced from eating) can be used in soils etc... and biodegrades faster it is still better for the environment

my last argument was that raccoons have dance battles and that cats make retarted noises to sare off their prey. rachel's counter argument is that there is no proof that raccoons have dance battles and cats dont make retarded noises well i have new for you rachel...
- cats do make retarded noises to scare off their prey, it is called hissing
- proof that raccoons have dance battles is coming soon so stay tuned!

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